7th September 2008, 04:12 pm
originally posted at

Tomorrow is the first day of Pre-K for Sam. He is very excited about going to preschool and for other activities this Fall such as soccer and swimming. The house has been feeling a little tight with two active boys so we got a family membership at the Y a few weeks ago. While the fitness classes and pool are great, let’s be honest here: I signed up for the free daycare; 2 hours a day baby!!
I’m hoping that with the new fall schedule, I’ll get a chance to blog more often. The “plan” is to do it while Sam’s in school and Benjamin’s napping. Wish me luck!
7th September 2008, 01:22 pm
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We took the kids to the Spanish Fork Kite Festival on Friday afternoon. We couldn’t get our kites to fly cause there wasn’t quite enough wind, but it was fun to see all the other kites and the new wind farm they’ve recently finished constructing out there.
The highlight of the event, though, was getting Erica to try a segway.

She was a bit reluctant at first, but after she saw me ride it around a bit she decided to give it a shot. Now she says she wants one. We’ve recently been watching Arrested Development, so even if we had the disposable funds it’d be awfully hard to overcome the G.O.B. segway stigma.
7th September 2008, 12:19 pm
originally posted at
I took a picture of Brendan this morning to commemorate his five month birthday. I love his cute orange hair, the way he smiles about everything, and how he gets SO excited every time he sees something new. He is truly a joy to have around. I love him sooooo much. The kids love playing with him and making him smile.

4th September 2008, 04:30 pm
originally posted at
James had some time off work this week so we took the kids up to Provo River Falls for a picnic. We went to the falls on our honeymoon and have gone back several times but this was the first time since Savanna was born. It is such a beautiful place! James was in heaven because it was about 60 degrees up there, I was freezing! Savanna had a great time hiking around and throwing rocks in the river with her dad, which she could do all day if we let her. Miles just slept in the front pack until he had a massive dirty diaper which resulted in poop up to his armpits! I’m not kidding either, I ended up just throwing the shirt he was wearing away! It was grea

3rd September 2008, 12:11 pm
2nd September 2008, 04:12 pm
originally posted at
For our second trip to Legoland, we went with Grandpa and left Benjamin at home.

Sam still talks about going on this ride. He thought it was pretty cool that no adults were allowed on it that he got his own horse. You can see the pride in his eyes…

The essential photo op in front of the giant sized robot warrior.

I must be getting old becasue my favorite part of the whole park is Lego City where major cities and historical landmarks are recreated with legos. I could look at it for hours. Nerd alert.

Going down that slide to please Sam seemed like such a good idea at the time. But despite my smile, I am not happy about having just slammed my head into the top of it trying to get out.
2nd September 2008, 10:18 am
originally posted at

On Sunday August 31st James gave our new son Miles a name and a blessing. It’s an amazing thing as a mother to hear your husband give a blessing to your child. I am grateful for James and the things he said. We were so fortunate to have so many family members and friends come to support us. We had a fun get together afterward at our house with lots of great food and conversation. Miles was held by family and friends all day and was sleeping peacefully. As soon as I held him for pictures he woke up and started to cry! Oh well, Savanna and James look pretty good!
2nd September 2008, 10:12 am