William’s Homecoming
originally posted at http://baylessnews.blogspot.com/2008/09/williams-homecoming.html

I’m suddenly in the mood to watch “Strange Brew”
More from my trip to California that was umm…almost 2 months ago!
Of course the highlight of my visit was getting to welcome William home from his mission in Russia. I missed Charles and James’ homecomings from Australia and Maryland and when Gary got home from Guam, I barely got to say hello before moving to Utah. So it was a treat to be able to be with them for our baby brother’s homecoming. William was greeted at the airport by the entire family, including 4 nieces and nephews he had never met.
The plan was then to meet up at a Mexican restaurant nearby. But I decided to sabotage the whole event by getting lost, having no cellphone and losing my parking stub to get out of the blasted airport parking lot! Word to the wise: NEVER lose your parking stub! After parking for 1/2 hr, I was charged 18 dollars!! to get out. Yes, you heard right and yes I gave them a piece of my mind. I nearly broke threw the automated gate I was so livid! Of course the stub was found a couple hours later in the bottom of my purse; but I had been too frazzled to see it when the caravan was taking off without me. ANY-hoo……Here are some pictures of the celebration once we reuinted and decided to order pizza instead 🙂

Sarah & Jacob enjoying the view
What can you say?
Charles is the actor/comedian in the family and his wife Mindy is a good sport about it 🙂

Best friends reunited. Adam and William struck this pose literally seconds after seeing eacother for the first time in 2 years. William, please don’t make me take it down! It’s hilarious!
Adam was serving a mission in Ohio at the same time and he actually came home on the same day! What are the odds of that? Welcome home boys!
Eligible young bachelor….
Mom has successfully raised 5 kids, sending 4 off on missions and is now enjoying the fruits of her labors with 5 beautiful grandkids. All while looking fabulous.

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