The kids and I went out to dinner last night at one of Sam’s favorite places; Applebees. I was a little nervous going without Jordan, but acutally they were better than usual. It was probably because they didn’t have to fight for my attention. Anyway, I was in the mood for fish (no suprises there) so I ordered their Parmesan Tilapia. It was OK. I’m thankful that Benjamin and Samuel are both very good eaters and for the most part will try anything.
However, you have to be careful with Benjamin because he will eat and eat till he’s sick. So I wasn’t suprised that after nearly finishing his kids sized meal, he went after mine. He took most of my broccoli and showed interest in the fish. I am a little possessive about my food, so I only gave him 2 small bites. Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t give him more becasue apparently our little guy is allergic to fish, or at the very least just had an isolated food reaction to it last night.
About 3 hours after putting him to bed, he woke up with abdominal pain that upset him for a couple hours. In the morning, one of his eyes had swollen slightly; but no visible rash. I was certain it had been caused by the fish. I really hope it doesn’t end up being a food allergy; what a bummer that would be. Can you imagine having to tell Benjamin that there’s something he can’t put into his mouth?
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