The last Halloween related post
originally posted at
Sam singing with his preschool class at their Halloween Parade.
I thought our spiderweb turned out really good. 
This is the best picture I could find of the boys in their costumes. Sam was a dragon slaying knight and Benjamin was the dragon of course 🙂
Sam passing out the candy. Thanks for the basket Mom.
We went trick-or-treating with two of our neighbors and their kids. We pulled Benjamin in the wagon and Sam was always way ahead of us with the “big kids.” Benajmin was being pretty grumpy, so I took him home after covering our street. Our new neighbors have a 15mo old daughter who wasn’t exactly embracing the trick-or-treating experience either, so they came over while Jordan, Sam and the rest of the group stayed out to cover the neighborhood behind us. Once out of their costumes, Benjamin and Kaelyn were back to their happy fun-loving selves and had a blast just playing together at our house.
Jordan and I got to go to a “grown up” party on Saturday. WooHoo! Our hosts Amanda and Brandon were nice to let us old fogies come hang out with their young and hip friends. Luckily we weren’t the only parents there or we would have felt a little lame.
Jordan and I met Amy and her husband at the party and we immediately hit it off. They have twin 4 year old girls, he and Jordan both seak German and she and I both love to talk, so it made the night even more fun. All four of us were enjoying our time away from the kiddos, but we were still the first couples to leave since babysitters aren’t cheap these days!
They came as Death & Taxes
Jordan had such a bad attitude about wearing a costume. But at least he got to put his poor attitude to use in his tough guy biker get-up. As for me, I just had to have the blonde wig, but hadn’t a clue as to what to be (without being someting completely scandulous). I wandered into Claires when we were at the mall and saw the plastic crown (meant for 5 year olds) and the sash that said “Birthday Princess” and thought the pageant queen running off with bad boy biker would be classic!

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