26th February 2009, 10:16 pm
originally posted at
Hi! I just wanted to post something because no one in the bayless family has posted anything for awhile. Amanda where are you? Anyway, this is Miles sitting on some sort of bracket thing that James made for his motorcycle, which is the ongoing James Bayless mad scientist project, pretty cool.
8th February 2009, 03:20 pm
originally posted at
My Grandpa Stone told us a few weeks ago that he and my grandma had visited the Harley Davidson store. He was quite surprised when they reached the second floor to see a picture of he and his family on their farm back in 1939. He had no idea they had gotten this photo. So, of course we got together as a family and met my grandpa down there. He told us all about growing up on a farm, what all the buildings in the picture were, and how it felt to have the government tell them they had thirty days to get off their land so they could build Geneva Steel. 42 families had to leave for this steel plant to be built. Right next to my grandpa is him in the photo on the wall at age 17. Afterwards we all ate at Marley’s. Sliders are awesome! The kids had a wonderful time seeing all of the motorcycles as well.

7th February 2009, 04:00 pm
originally posted at
Savanna started taking a dance class in January and she just loves it. She loves to dress up in her clothes and, as you can see, strike a pose. I took ballet for about four years when I was a little girl and these pictures of Savanna look so much like I did back then. She is such a beautiful sweetheart, I am very lucky.

7th February 2009, 04:00 pm
originally posted at
How cute is this? James was playing guitar for his boy this morning and Miles just loved it! He seems to really respond to music and I think he especially liked hearing his dad play, and I think James enjoyed the audience.
7th February 2009, 03:35 pm
originally posted at
A couple of days ago we had a nice sunny day with temperatures in the near 40’s and I couldn’t help it, spring fever hit! I took the kids outside and soaked up the rays! We got out the sidewalk chalk and decorated the driveway. When we were done, Savanna took it upon herself to decorate her own face. I thought she looked very lovely!