22nd April 2009, 10:26 am
originally posted at

After nearly three years of courtship my brother Charles and his wonderful girlfriend, Trisha, are getting married! The wedding will be in June and I can’t wait to share this special day with them. They are great together and I am so happy to have Trish as my new sister! Congratulations!
19th April 2009, 08:11 am
14th April 2009, 08:40 pm
originally posted at
Last year for Easter I got Savanna a cheap plastic bat that looks like a carrot. James came up with the clever idea of hitting the plastic Easter eggs with the bat, smashing them open and sending candy everywhere. He and Savanna had so much fun doing it that we decided it would become an Easter tradition to bash the eggs with the carrot bat. Among this wonderful pastime we also had baskets for the kids, an egg hunt and a lovely dinner with family. What a wonderful day!