30th November 2009, 04:00 pm
originally posted at
Jonathan had the assignment of making a castle out of anything he wanted. We started making it out of legos, and it became apparent very quickly that we would have to buy a lot more legos. So, I suggested asking Uncle James to help. Jonathan became very excited at the thought of being able to weld again with “Uncle Bob.” So, we sent him off to spend some time with James. Jonathan was able to design the castle, cut the metal, use an electric drill….and watch his uncle light the whole thing on fire for fun. You never know what fun you’ll have when you get together with James in the garage. Anyway, Jonathan was assigned to dress up as a peasant. He decorated his castle with medieval people and took it to school. Everyone was very impressed.

3rd November 2009, 12:20 pm
1st November 2009, 09:54 am
originally posted at
All of us dressed up this year and went to the mall to trick or treat. Before we left, we took some family pictures on the porch. Brendan cried through all of them. But, when he saw a cat run by our house, all the tears dried up. We went store to store to trick or treat, and then we went to the ward trunk or treat. The day before, Jonathan and Marissa had school Halloween parties. This year Marissa decided to be Jessie from Toy Story 2…mostly because she says she wishes Jessie was her real name and not Marissa. Jonathan wanted to be Batman from the Dark Knight movie. This is kind of humorous since he’s not been allowed to see that film. Mom deemed it too scary. Adam and Brendan and I were the three musketeers. When Jonathan was Brendan’s age, I made these costumes because there were only three of us. It was fun to go see Grandma and Grandpa Stone and then visit Uncle Jon to see all of his scary decorations. Needless to say, at the end of the evening, the kids were Halloween-ed out.