25th December 2009, 11:00 am
originally posted at
Just a quick note to my family and friends all over the world: Merry Christmas!
I wish I could be visiting you all at the same time but I can’t split into parts unfortunately.
So have a great Christmas, all of you and give each other a hug for me!

17th December 2009, 11:20 am
originally posted at
I had the need for a gift that was made in Utah this holiday season. I participate in an online Secret Santa gift exchange each year for fun and the request from my recipient this year was to get something from the home state of the giver. So I gathered together a few things from around Utah. One of the more interesting finds was Amano Chocolate which is apparently one of the better chocolate makers in the world.
They have a large variety of single provenance chocolates that have very interesting and complex flavors but don’t have any additives or ‘stuff’ in them that you usually find in chocolate (raisins, chunks of nuts etc.) so they are just the most straight forward chocolate flavor experience I have ever had really. Super yummy.
They make the chocolate right near my office in Orem and you can buy it from their little office there or at the BYU Bookstore, or some place at Sundance or on their website. It is expensive compared to your average Hershey bar (ewww.) but since it is so flavorful and great you just don’t need to eat more than a square or two at a time so it lasts a while.
7th December 2009, 11:00 pm
originally posted at
For Thanksgiving I made a greenbean casserole to bring to my in-laws for dinner. I had been talking about it during the week, telling Savanna I was going to make it and that we needed to go to the store to get the ingredients, etc. On the morning of Thanksgiving, James was talking to Savanna and reminded her what day it was and that we were going to Nana’s to eat. Savanna told James that she was going to help mom make greenbean castles. It was a priceless moment so I made sure to take pictures of her helping me and tell the story to always remember it!