Home Sweet Home
originally posted at http://melbeea.blogspot.com/2011/04/home-sweet-home.html
My dad and stepmom bought us some flowers and helped me plant them. The tulips were already growing when we moved in. Andy also took some violets of other starter plants from his parents yard.
This is the only inside picture you will get so far because the house still needs to be put together. Most of the walls in our house were green when we first moved in. Thankfully I had Spring Break to work on painting the kitchen and living room. The downstairs went from olive green to porcelain skin (cream). Now it feels happier, instead of dark and dreary. Andy had a day or two off as well, and he would just come home from school and work on the house.
Here are a couple of the pictures I took when we moved in on April 9th. Andy’s family were real troopers!
Andy’s nephew Jonathan is above. Below you will see his dad (Jon), niece (Marrissa), and nephew (Brenden). His mom, a brother, and a friend were also there helping out.
Thanks to all the people who helped us get moved in. I also had my home teachers and visiting teacher help me move out of my apartment. Then my Aunt Mary and her 2 oldest helped me clean the apartment. A few of Andy’s brothers have helped in various ways. It is really great to have so many good friends and family members willing to help. Thanks everyone. We really love our new house.
Okay, I know I’m way behind on my blog, but buying a house keeps one busy. Well, here is my new house. I’ve worked on the flower beds some, but we have yet to get our new lawn mower out of its box. I do love the rain we’ve been getting lately because it has helped the grass to get green. My soon to be in-laws helped as well by spreading fertilizer everywhere.
I love my flower beds. I’ve weeded this flower bed a couple of times, but if you look closely you will see those evil weeds popping back up.

Don’t worry, I’m the only one living in it at the moment. Andy is living back at home until we get married in less than 6 weeks. June 4th will be here before we know it, so I better go get this house in order if I want to have the reception here!
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