Room #1
originally posted at
I am finally ready to show you pictures of the inside of my house. Thanks for waiting patiently. I’ve decided I’m going to blog one room a day. My first room is the master bathroom. You may wonder why I am starting with a bathroom. It is because Andy and I actually built some shelve for it in the past week and a half.
This is how our bathroom countertop looked for the past 3 months. I’m a girl, and I come with a lot of stuff. We only have 1 cabinet and 2 drawers in our bathroom, so I needed some more storage space.
Above our toilet was an empty wall, so I thought it would be neat to make shelve to go above there.

Andy thought it would be easier to just buy some shelves, but I convinced him that it would be fun to build something together. It was his last day off before his rotations started, so we set to work. We bought some wood and wood brackets, and then we headed over to his parents’ house to use some of his dad’s tools.

We cut the wood into 2 pieces for our shelves. Next, we routed the front edge to give it a little design, and then we used the sander to make it nice and smooth. I think Andy had fun using the tools. I know I did, even though I’m not as good as he is at using them.
Then we put two coats of stain on them.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday:
Over the next couple of days I put 3 coats of polyurethane on them. I also lightly sanded them before the 3rd coat. It took forever for everything to be done because each coat has to dry for like 4 hours. Poor Andy had to park outside for a couple of days.
Once Andy finally got some free time, he went to work on attaching the brackets to the shelves, and hanging the shelves up in the bathroom. I believe we were up to 1 or 2 putting these shelves in. It is quite hard to get the screws in the right place.
Monday (today):
Now they are holding some of my junk. I think it adds some color to this little white space. I love my new shelves! (Sorry I forgot to take pictures of them up close.)
My counter now only holds a few of my necessities. I can actually see myself in the mirror when I’m sitting and doing my hair. We also have some plastic drawers under the counters that hold all my make up and hair supplies.
This is what the rest of our bathroom looks like:
We are lucky to have his and hers closets. His is attached to the bathroom. On the right of it is this space that could have been used to have a shower. We will eventually make this a linen closet, so I will have even more storage. Currently it just holds our laundry hampers.
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