Wedding Details
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Okay, so I know most of you have seen these pictures on Facebook, but now I get to include the details. We got married on June 4th, 2011 in the Draper Temple. We were supposed to get married at 11 a.m., but I think it ended up being more around 11:30 a.m. We came out of the temple a little after noon.
Then we took pictures with everyone and then my family. Unfortunately the Bayless family had to leave to go get the luncheon ready, so we took pictures with them at the reception. I’m very grateful for my friends and family who were able to come from far away in order to be here for my special day.
The weather was warm, but it had a breeze to cool us off. It was a little bright out (especially for my northwestern family members), so you wil
l see some people squinting.
Can you see all the little girls squinting?
Then everyone besides Myntillae (my friend/photographer), Andy, and I left. We went and had our pictures taken all around the temple. I loved how they turned out. There was a little bit of wind to work around, but we liked how it kept us cool.
Many people helped me look amazing for this day. My mom made my wedding dress while she was in Washington and I was in Utah. We sent a few samples back and forth for me to try on with my mother-in-laws help, but I wasn’t prepared for it to fit me exactly right when I first tried it on. My mom came down a few days early, and we thought we would probably have to do a few adjustments. Thankfully my mom is amazing, and my dress fit just right.
My mom also arranged my bouquet, along wi
th all the other flowers. I think my sister helped with the table arrangements.
My sister-in-law, Shanda (my brother Brian’s wife), made my jewelry. I just sent her a picture of some that I liked, but I did not expect her to make it exactly like the picture. It was all so beautiful.
One of my best friends, Kate, made my veil and did my hair. It looked lovely!
I wore my sister, Trisha’s, wedding dress slip.
I bought my shoes at Ross and did my own make up.
My husband, Andy, had my engagement ring and wedding ring specially designed and made for me. Yes, my husband is amazing.
I love how my dress looks in this picture!
Then we went to our luncheon, which my mother-in-law, Lindsey, did with the help of some of her ward members and friends. It was at the Veteran’s Hall in Lindon. After we ate, we went and took some more pictures at my in-laws house because they have a pretty backyard.
We finally got our pictures taken with the Bayless’s!
Lindsey also did most of the food for the wedding reception. She made a lot of food….little sandwiches, cookies, and much more. She had more friends helping during the reception.
My mom did the chocolate covered strawberries and vegetables. Others helped make the strawberries, too. My friend Tami taught my sister, Trisha, Aunt Mary, and my step-mom, Darlene, how to do the tuxedo look on the strawberries. Grandma Clift washed and dried all of the strawberries.
The reception was held in the backyard of our new house. It was a beautiful evening. So many people helped get this ready. My in-laws, Jon and Lindsey, were the design team. Jon had been working on our backyard for a couple months to get it looking just right. Lindsey planted tons of flowers in pots and bought tons of decorations. My mom brought tons of decorations down with her. We borrowed tables and other decorations from friends and family. My parents, Andy’s parents, other family members, and friends helped set up. Here is a picture during the reception.
Here is a picture from before. We did our line by the arches, and had people wait in line by the shepherds crooks. The cake was under the tent because it needed shade so it didn’t melt.

Then we did the normal reception things…cut and ate the cake, drank some pink lemonade, danced, threw the bouquet, and then left in the midst of bubbles.
Trisha bought our cake, but had Andy and I design it of course. We got it from It was delicious and beautiful
Then we left for our honeymoon in Midway for 2 days and then Yellowstone for 2 days. My dad and step-mom, Darlene, provided us with timeshares there.
We are so grateful for all the help we got from our family and friends. It really turned out to be a beautiful wedding. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It was amazing to see how many people were involved in our day. I felt very loved.
Everyone always tells you how stressful the wedding day is, but I was not stressed at all! However, our parents may have been a little stressed because they were busy making sure everything went just right. I just know that my wedding day was the best day ever! It was nice not to be nervous or stressed. I was surprised how fast the reception went. Time flies when you’re having fun.
Everything felt just right and normal all day. It was like it was meant to be!
Andy and I are now husband and wife and loving it!
I am very blessed to find an amazing man to love me like he does!
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