27th December 2011, 03:38 pm
originally posted at

Christmas has come and gone and the wrapping paper and toys are finally cleaned up! As the children grow older Christmas is becoming more and more fun. Savanna woke up at 6 excited as can be! She laid down on the floor in our bedroom playing games on the IPod until 7, then we woke up Miles and Avery and started the madness of present opening. They were so cute and excited. Avery was especially sweet, she was so animated and excited about everything. She had a smile on her face the whole day! After opening presents we had breakfast at home. Every year since we’ve been married we have gone to James’ parents house for Christmas breakfast but we shook things up a bit this year and stayed home for awhile. We had eggs, sausage, cinnamon rolls and orange rolls, it was yum. After breakfast we went to church. We figured this was going to be difficult, how were the kids going to behave for and hour and 15 minutes on such an exciting day? I have to tell you, they surprised us. They did just fine and I actually got to hear some of the talks. It was a really good experience. Our Bishop spoke about the first Christmas Eve he worked as an EMT. He said that he thought working that night would be super easy, it was Christmas, everyone would be with family and loved ones and taken care of, nothing bad would happen. He said the first call they went on was a heroine overdose, the next five or six calls were attempted suicides. He realized then that not everyone had a happy Christmas and that there were a lot of people who were in need of compassion and help this time of year. It made me remember that Christmas is just another day and to be grateful for what I have and to remember others. It might seem like that story would have been depressing for a Christmas morning, but I thought it was something we all needed to hear.
After church we headed up to the Bayless’ for presents and games and a wonderful Christmas dinner. The entire day was wonderful. Our whole family was together. Something that struck me at the end of the day was how well behaved my kids were. They were just sweet as pie all day. Like I said, Avery’s smile never left her face. James’ brother commented on how good they were being for such a crazy day, maybe that was my Christmas present, happy kids! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

8th December 2011, 12:20 am
originally posted at

Yay Christmas! Although I always loved Christmas as a kid, as I got older I became sort of a Scrooge. Christmas just started to stress me out! All the money being spent, the zillions of family get-togethers, and the unavoidable let down when it was all over. But this year something is different, I am so excited for Christmas and I’m having so much fun with my kids! They are at a good age, Christmas is so magical and fun and they are starting to remember our family’s traditions and are excited to start new ones. Yay! We have jumped right into the season with some fun stuff! The day after Thanksgiving we went to the annual Christmas Lights Parade here in Spanish Fork. We have gone for the past few years and it’s awesome! It has this very small town feel with homemade floats, inflatable Frosty the Snowman tied to a Jazzy, and a Elk head dressed up like Rudolph attached to the front of a truck pulling a trailer full of snowmobiles wrapped in Christmas lights. Like I said, awesome! The kids loooove it! One of the floats was a trailer that had a light up Nativity on it. When it passed us Miles shouted out “Bye Baby Jesus!” After the parade we went home and set up the Christmas tree. We pretty much let the kids do it all and we have such a mish mosh collection of ornaments that it looks a little like Christmas throw-up, but it’s cute. The next week I took the kids to see Santa at Macey’s grocery store. I am too much of a wuss to brave the malls at Christmas time so I thought it was a good option. He was a very convincing looking Santa I thought and both Savanna and Miles sat on his lap for the first time. Avery was too shy, maybe next year. The next day my mom came down and we baked and decorated Christmas cookies. This was really fun, the kids really got into it! Avery loved rolling the dough with the rolling pin. We also made ginger bread men. I don’t know why I thought to make them so big, they puffed up so much in the oven! And finally, my oh-so-creative daughter made herself a crown and skirt out of wrapping paper. ‘Tis the season!

3rd December 2011, 06:40 pm
originally posted at
Last Sunday, November 27th, Andy and I stayed home after church instead of going to the in-laws. We made some turkey rolls, using the left over turkey, and enjoyed a quiet dinner. After Andy went through some of his old boxes, we started to decorate our house. I actually put up the tree the day before. We got it from a teacher at my school, who got a new one that came pre-lit. Andy did have to help me fix part of the top that I broke off when he got home from work. It sure is nice to have a handy husband.
So on Sunday we decorated the tree with our ornaments. I’m glad that my mom has made it a tradition to give all of us a new ornament every year because it was nice to have enough to decorate the tree. However, I did have way more than 29 ornaments because I’ve been given some by other people as well. Andy also had some ornaments that he has collected through the years.

As you can tell, it was a very relaxing Sunday. We didn’t dress up to decorate at all. Andy even made us some hot cocoa and we had Christmas music playing on Pandora.
I had a few decorations, but I also bought some from Dollar Tree and Deseret Industries. I like getting cheap things.

Here we are in front of our tree.
We aren’t putting lights on the outside of our house, so we put some in our front window.
Don’t worry, Mom! We didn’t forget to put out the Christmas bears. Only 2 of these were mine as a kid, but my mom gave them all to me anyways. Sorry Trisha and Mark! If you want them, you will have to come and get them!

In the background on the left you can somewhat see our Nativity.
I love the holidays so much! It is really nice to have a husband to be with this year!