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Ever since we moved here people have been telling us how great the 4th is here. It started off with the parade. It was okay. The best part of the parade was that we rode our 4 wheeler, and we got to watch up close from it. The missionaries were pretty funny to watch.
Later we went to the park where they had lots of booths. We got a snow cone and some food. We ran into a couple that we know. They invited us to a concert at the high school. It was fun. The guy sang about Blanding, so we learned a lot about the history of our new town.
That night we had a BBQ at our house. The other pharmacist and his family came over. I’ve actually become good friends with his wife. They have 4 kids. The student at the pharmacy also came. We enjoyed some yummy food, the guys played kinect, the kids settled down with a TV show, and us girls just chatted. Then we drove close to the fireworks show. We watched the fireworks from our 4 wheeler while they watched it from on top of their van. I realized that the best part of the 4th of July was the people that I got to spend it with.
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