Kid Stats
Grant (20 months):br /br /Loves yogurtbr /Brushing his teethbr /Dancingbr /Yelling Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom into infinity….br /Always wants to benbsp;outsidebr /Pronounces please, “cheese”br /Loves baths, cuddling and Choo- Choosbr /Wantsnbsp;to do everything himselfbr /Is obsessed with shoes and was one of his first wordsbr /Is yelling as I write thisbr /Says “eww” when he needs a diaper changebr /Laughs a lotbr /br /br /Ben (5):br /br /Also loves yogurtbr /Would be content with a chocolate dietbr /Is obsessed with the military and terroristsbr /Still dresses up/accessorizes everydaybr /Is very enthusiastic about learning to readbr /Always reminding the family to do family scripture study and prayerbr /Would sleep in until 11am if I let himbr /Has some crazy ideas about how things work, are made etc…nbsp;and will not let you tell him otherwisebr /Insistsnbsp;that he and Jordan’s ties match for churchbr /Is into Pokémon cards and legosbr /Has an incredible memory and ability to absorb informationbr /His best friend is Thomas but has many girlfriends! br /br /Sam (9):br /br /Reading more than everbr /Loves sandwiches and makes them bynbsp;himselfbr /Begs to make dinner for the family and to play restaurantbr /Isnbsp; often lost in his own world playing with action figures, legos, or even kitchen toolsbr /Working toward his red belt in karatebr /Wants an airsoft gunbr /Hates to clean his room or do any kind of chorebr /Is learning how to manage money. He has saved $42.00 so /Loves movie nights and requests them every night. br /Is watching Diary of a Wimpy Kid downstairs right nowbr /Loves the Wii, Poptropica, writing stories, poems, and playing school with Benbr /Would like a baby sisterbr /br /br /br /br /
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