Archive for the ‘All in the Family’ Category.

The True Meaning of Christmas

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I know sometimes I don’t enjoy living in Utah during the winter, but it does have it’s perks. This past weekend Andy and I went to Temple Square to see the lights and such. I love this nativity scene. It is a great reminder of why we have Christmas! It is because this world was blessed to have a Savior born to save us all. He was born in meek circumstances, but He truly has blessed us all. Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ, our Savior!

I hope we still remember to seek as the shepherds and wisemen did.

The amazing thing is that He still lives, and because of Him we can all live forever.
It is also a time to spend with those you love!
(Temple Square is a little packed, so sometimes you get pictures of people you don’t know.)

This picture is from my ward Christmas dinner.

Gingerbread Disaster

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So, I have seen these easy to do, make you own gingerbread house kits and this year I actually bought one. I figured the kids were a pretty good age to have fun with it and it is supposed to be easy. This is what it is supposed to look like.

At first, ours looked like this

Then this

Then this

Then this

Then this

Oh well, they had fun!

Don’t Mess With Me!

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So last weekend my boyfriend, Andy, finally got to take me shooting. (He was going to 2 weeks prior, but I decided to take a hospital trip instead.) We went with his brother (James) and 2 of his friends (Bret and Kara). I had a really good time. It was a little cool, but not too bad. Andy brought plenty of gourds and milk jugs full of water to use as targets. There were quite a few guns there, not that I could tell you what kind they were. I do know there was a shotgun and a handgun, but those weren’t my favorite. (My pictures are totally out of order.)

We set up tons of gourds and jugs out on the land.

James brought an old stove to use for target practice, but we put it to some good use first. Here the guys are disks or whatever they are called.
Kara is attacking the gourds.
Andy is also using the stove. As you can tell, it was already in bad shape.
Boys and their toys!!! However, I like my boy’s toys!
I did get one injury from the handgun, but it was only a broken nail.

Time to actually shoot the stove.

The shotgun had a good kick, so I only shot it about 4 times.

The guns above and below were my favorite. I knocked over quite a few gourds with the baby below. I blew some chunks off the gourds with the one above.

It was quite an exciting day! I really enjoyed shooting with my man and his friends!

Fall Happenings

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Fall has been a lovely season for us so far and a lot has happened so here is an update. Savanna is in pre-school and really enjoying it. She is learning a lot and having fun. The school days seemed so far away when Savanna was a baby and now I can’t believe that next year will be Kindergarten!

The next piece of exciting new is… Miles is potty trained! This is probably only exciting to me, but I hated having two kids in diapers! Miles kept asking to have his diaper off and he was busting out of the size sixes anyway so we gave it a try. I was suprised and proud at how well he did! We all hung out in the bathroom and read books, cleaned up pee and changed underwear about 5 times a day, but after a couple of days he got it pretty good! He still has his accidents of course, but it’s getting better everyday so, WAHOO!

Avery is… Avery! She is cute and crazy and sometimes would still prefer to play at 2 AM instead of sleep, but we love her. She is crawling all over the place and pulling up to stand on everything. Just today she learned to climb up the stairs, as I was vacuuming them! Savanna and Miles can really get her laughing and I look forward to the day when she can really join in with them and play.

This year we did all our traditional Halloween activites, carving pumpkins, Pumpkinland, and trick-or-treating. For the first time ever we went to the trick-or-treat Main Street, it was really crowded but fun. One store on main street was giving out stuffed animals instead of candy and Savanna scored a sweet Care Bear! Then we went to the church’s trunk-or-treat. It was raining and cold so instead of going out to houses as well, we went to Del Taco. Happy Fall!

Kidney Stones

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Last Saturday morning (Oct. 30th) around 8:15 a.m. I was driving around trying to find the church building where I was supposed to meet up with my stake for a stake service project. I couldn’t find the right building (there were too many to choose from), so I decided to just go home. My abdomen was also starting to hurt a little, so I didn’t feel too horrible about not finding the service project. On the drive home the pain got worse. At home I thought it would help to curl up in fetal position, but nothing helped and the pain got worse. I called my mom thinking I had a bladder infection or something. Then I called my boyfriend, Andy, because he is going to pharmacy school and is very knowledgeable about the body. He told me that I probably had an infection, so he was going to come over to take me to Insta Care. It took him a little while, and later he told me that he got a speeding ticket on the way over. (He doesn’t normally speed.) He had to come help me off the bathroom floor since I had vomited a couple of times from the pain. He found me in a cold sweat and I could barely walk.
I think we got to the Insta Care around 9:30. We had to wait about 20-30 minutes before being admitted. Andy helped me fill out the paper work, and then he tried to comfort me while I was in extreme pain. It was so bad that I couldn’t find a comfortable position, and I even laid on the floor in the waiting room. I started throwing up more in a bag, so finally they got me into a room. There I was attended to by a whoopi cushion who told me that I probably had kidney stones. The doctor came in later and said the same thing. After giving a urine sample, they gave me a shot in both of my lower back cheeks (one for the pain and one for the nausea.) They also took a blood sample, which was very messy when the girl took it out. Then they told me that they were going to send me to the hospital next door to have a CT scan. They loaded me up in a wheel chair and took me over.
On the ride over I noticed the medicine starting to take affect. However, I started to get really cold and was shivering uncontrollably. We filled out some more paper work. Then I had to leave Andy to go in for the CT scan. Thankfully they put some warm blankets on me, so that helped some. By the time I was lying on the table, the pain was not that bad. They did a couple scans, but I guess they couldn’t really see the stones. So they had to put an IV in me and put in some contrast to color my kidneys. The technician then left me to do the scan and the pain came back all of a sudden. I was nauseas again as well. The tech came back and gave me a bucket to throw up in. He told me that the contrast was probably making the stone move. The pain subsided after a minute, so we were able to do the CT scan again. He then wheeled me back to the waiting room where we waited for the results. I was also given more warm blankets to stop my shaking. This is when Andy decided to take pictures of me. 30 minutes later I was told that I have 2 kidney stones. The bigger one was at the bottom by the urethra. It was the one blocking the kidney and causing the pain. The other one was at the top of my kidney and shouldn’t cause much problems.

We left the hospital at 12:30 p.m. and went to the store to pick up my medications. I haven’t really been in pain since I was at the hospital. I actually didn’t feel a thing until Sunday night and this morning, but it is really nothing. I don’t feel that much pain. It feels more like a pinch and a little tender. All weekend I was well attended by Andy. He has constantly been making me drink water, and he has been getting everything for me. I’ve been quite drugged up, so I’m sure he has been amused by all my slurring of words and such. I have to say that I’m lucky to have the best boyfriend ever!

I was going to work today, but I figured the slight pinching feeling might mean I’ll pass a stone today. I also decided it was best not to try and teach while I am on pain meds. I did have to go to work this morning to get things ready for a substitute, but now I’m just sitting and waiting. I’ve had many people tell me that passing a stone is worse than childbirth, so it is kind of a scary thing to wait for. But I think the pain medicine will help a lot. Sorry this is so long. If any of it doesn’t make sense, just know that I wrote this while I was drugged up.


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For Halloween, we went to the mall to trick or treat.  Then we went to the trunk or treat where they thankfully took the festivities inside.  Then we visited Grandma and Nana’s house to show off our costumes and then hit the jackpot of candy at Uncle Jon’s.  Marissa was a perfect Alice in Wonderland.  Jonathan had a great time being Iron Man and about half way through the evening Brendan warmed up to actually holding his light saber and being a true Jedi.  I was Little Red Riding Hood and had a good time seeing the kids have fun getting their candy.


Pumpkin Carving Time!

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Pumpkin carving is a fun activity to do with a boyfriend!
I surprised my boyfriend, Andy, with a pumpkin when he came over.
Andy was more than willing to let me dig out the pumpkin guts.

He finally put his skills to use by outlining the picture.
I was more than willing to let him do the rest of the work.

He is concentrating really hard to carve the pumpkin.

He did a fantastic job!

Look at the wolf howling at the moon.

I then started separating the seeds from the rest of the stuff.

Then I rinsed them, put them on a baking sheet, salted them, and baked them.

The seeds were yummy!
It was a great date!

The Wussification of Halloween

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When I was a kid Halloween was one of the coolest holidays. Sure you don’t get presents from everybody and generally there is no snow to play in and no time off from school. You get free candy, but usually it was pretty cruddy stuff, Tootsie Rolls or Pixie Stix and the like. Nothing you couldn’t save up your pennies and get for yourself.

The cool part was the perceived danger. Not just the spooks and ghouls and specters menacing around every corner or the garish/bloody displays in store windows; though those were certainly enjoyable. There was a sense of impending doom or, at least, potential trouble as Halloween approached. Leaves were getting crunchy and piling up around the neighborhood. Pumpkins appeared and eventually became Jack O’ Lanterns, many with actual scary or funny faces (rather than the corporate approved Wall-E/Transformers/Yoda/etc. pumpkin patterns you see done so often today). Stores overflowed with candy, apples, cornstalks and cider displays. Television became a ‘dangerous’ wasteland of B level flicks and classic horror. Even the local, over the air stations got into it with tons of extra movies, ‘Scary Music Video Countdowns’ and other fun bits you didn’t get the rest of the year; a welcome change from Saturday afternoon reruns of The Andy Griffith Show, golf tournements and infomercials.


It all seemed to culminate as you went out to Trick or Treat on Halloween night. Even if things went accordign to plan, you were out… at night. On Your Own!

Dad came a long for a while when you were still little, and he tried to come a long for a while later than that… but eventually it was just you. Maybe you had younger siblings tagging along but that was ok too, despite your protestations to the contrary. You were Indiana Jones with Short Round or that Alfred Molina, who you just can’t really trust. You were responsible for their safety too. Who knew? You might encounter egg throwing goons or candy stealing thugs around any corner… Serious stuff to a young, adventurous and semi-independant kid.

Then there were the scary, local tales: The house you shouldn’t go to, the Mean Old Lady, the Kid Eating Dog, various places where the street lights couldn’t reach for some reason (what was in that shadow?), and who knows how many disgruntled ‘old people’ were actually giving out candy with razor blades/poison/drugs built right in?!

Of course, none of that really happened to anyone you ever heard of. Heck, I bet some kids got their candy nicked, and somewhere there were lame kids that picked on other kids. Sure someone got egged somewhere, but it was usually the house that you knew there were people there but they wouldn’t answer the door for Trick or Treaters. Those guys can scrape congealed egg for the rest of their lives for all I care!

Sticking out tongue

None of that stuff happened to me or anyone I knew so it was just a story to scare you into being wary and Make sure to look both ways! All that.

So now that I’m ‘grown up’, whatever that means, it is with dismay that I see parents taking away all that ‘danger’ from their children. I read a great opinion piece on the New, Safer Halloween we have today. Do you know how many kids have been intentionally poisoned via Halloween candy in the last 40+ years?

One. That’s it, and it was the poor boy’s own father that did it; to get insurance money no less. Perhaps there have been other incidents that were not widely reported, whatever. The bottom line is that it is more likely that your kid will choke on a Charleston Chew in their vigor to down as much candy as possible before the night’s end, than be poisoned or otherwise harmed by some crazy person’s Halloween vengence against society scheme.

The dwindling of honest, neighborhood Trick or Treating is bad enough, but it has been slowly replaced with the hateful ‘Trick or Trunk’ gathering, the corporate sponsored, store to store pseudo trick or treat-lite, and worst of all: Staying Home.

Wave the flag of safety, if you want. Cry “Won’t someone think of the children!?” Now be honest, is it really that? Or is it just easier to have a ‘safe’ Halloween? To hurd the kids all to the local church parking lot and parade them around for 10 minutes, car trunk to car trunk. To keep the kids home altogether?

I know being a parent is a never ending stream of hassles, work and physical struggle. Heck just taking care of my nieces and nephews is a close enough approximation to give me an idea of some of the challenge, but really, Halloween is a sort of special opportunity for kids to feel a little danger, a little power, a little responsibility, a bit like a hero. Don’t take that away. It’s important, and it is worth it.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Trumbolt Park

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One of our favorite things to do as a family is take a drive up the canyon and throw rocks into the river! There is a really beautiful spot in Santaquin Canyon called Trumbolt park. There are lots of pine trees and the river and it is really nice. We went up there a couple of weeks ago and took some pictures. In the first picture they are looking at a  fuzzy caterpillar James found on a stick.

Summer’s Over!

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I can’t believe it’s already September! Summer, as per usual, flew by. We stayed pretty busy swimming the backyard and enjoying being outside. Everyone is doing well, the kids are growing, Savanna starts preschool this week! Avery is nearly crawling, she can scoot around on her belly pretty well and gets up on her hands and knees but hasn’t quite put it all together yet. Miles is talking a lot and is my sweet little boy. He and Savanna are good friends always playing, when they’re not fighting!

We went to the grand opening of the new park in Spanish Fork and got a couple of cute pictures, it was pretty fun. I also took some pics of the kids in the yard, Savanna, as usual, has to jump in all the pictures and be a model.