Archive for the ‘All in the Family’ Category.
26th August 2009, 10:20 am
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We are very proud to announce that Jonathan earned his Bear in Scouts in only 3 and a half months. He was very happy to earn this before school started. Now he can just earn arrow points during the school year. They had a picnic dinner outside and then gave out awards and played games. Thank you to Grandma and Nana for coming and celebrating with us. Jonathan especially liked going out to Sub Zero afterward.

18th August 2009, 01:40 pm
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Sunday is the best day for family pictures. On August 16th, as I got each of my kids ready, I sent them out in the front yard with their dad to have their picture taken. Brendan is a smiler. He will laugh at almost anything you do that is unexpected. Marissa is gorgeous. I often find myself staring at her and wondering how I helped to create such a beauty. Jonathan is the man. He is constantly trying to spend time with me or make me proud of him. He has already completed his Bear in Scouts, and has only been in the nine year old class since May. He is a hard worker. Marissa has literally blossomed over the summer when it comes to reading. She read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Ramona the Brave, a couple Junie B. Jones books, No Flying in the House, and Coraline just over the summer. We are very proud. Adam gave both Jonathan and Marissa a father’s blessing before school started. As always, Adam is so in tune with the spirit and was the mouthpiece of two beautiful blessings. I love to hear him do this because his love for his children is truly exposed when he gives a blessing. I married an amazing man and I love him to death. Here are the new pictures of our family.

My cute Brendan.

My three sweet children.

My sweeties and me.

The whole family.
12th August 2009, 01:00 pm
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Both kids were so sad at having to really narrow down their list of friends for their birthdays…because Marissa’s party was at Chuck E Cheese and for Jonathan’s birthday we took the kids bowling….that we told them they could have a summer party. This party was to invite the other kids…and to have a pinata. Both kids really wanted a pinata at their birthday parties…but not enough to have the party at home. So, both Jonathan and Marissa had a summer party where all they did was play in the water, throw water balloons, eat popsicles and open a pinata. They had a blast. Marissa’s party was all girls (except Jonathan) and Jonathan’s was all boys…except Rissa. Wow, the all boy party was a lot different than the all girl one. We didn’t take any pictures of Jonathan’s party, we had to save Marissa from being dragged away by a Jedi Knight, and our grass is still recovering from the waterslide trauma. But it was worth it.

Marissa loved the new slip n slide.

Jonathan had fun with the sprinkler. He liked spraying people.

Everyone having a water balloon fight.

Jonathan smashing the pinata. He always has the same look on his face when he does this.

Funny picture. I know he has socks on. He wouldn’t walk in the grass barefoot, so Adam let him…ruin…his socks. Still, worth it for this look on his face of pure enjoyment.
12th August 2009, 12:46 pm
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So, Thanksgiving Point had the Two for Tuesdays in August promotion where each person could get in for two dollars. We decided to jump on it. Adam took the day off and we were just going to take the kids to the dentist at 8 am and then run to the museum. Apparently I forgot to set my alarm. I woke up at 7:33 and our dentist is fifteen minutes away. Adam and Jonathan got dressed and ran out the door. He told me to hurry after them in the second car. I got Marissa and Brendan and me dressed in fifteen minutes and we hopped in the car. Luckily we all made it…but then we got to the Museum at 9:30…thinking we were way early for their 10:00 opening time. We were actually second in line and watched the crowds line up behind us in the next twenty minutes. It was really good that we had gotten there early. We were able to enjoy the museum for only $8 for our entire family…and we did it just ahead of all chaos that came up behind us. It was a crazy, but good day.

Waiting outside in the line.

Marissa was so excited to play in the water erosion exhibit. She talked about it all the way in the car.

Jonathan and Marissa created their own dinosaur.

Our children have now been weighed and measured and been found…very cute…especially Brendan in his dinosaur shirt.

The whole family acting like they are afraid of the shark. Nice.
12th August 2009, 12:33 pm
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Marissa took dance again this summer and loved it. But, we missed a few classes, and the teachers taught them a new dance during each class session. On the last day of class they performed all of them. I thought it was a little too much information to cram into a six year old’s head…but Mom was more concerned about the performance than she should have been. Marissa was just there to have a good time and feel the beat. She did really well.

Marissa stretching out and getting ready to perform.

Marissa had a dance that ended with a “Rar!” cat sound. Here she is performing it very well.

Getting ready for the summer dance sequence.

Looking very elegant during the ballet sequence.
11th August 2009, 08:20 pm
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Well the month of March started out with two little boys in desperate need of a haircut….

I should have been reported to the mullet police for this one….

The house received its first photo shoot post new windows.
The month progressed on with indoor soccer games…
Snow storms…
(I think these were from V-day, not sure how it ended up in my March folder)
And it ended in the ER….
8 stitches for the little guy. The vision of Benjamin slipping through my arms onto the bathroom floor still haunts me today. Hardly fazed him at all though. Cool, calm, and pleasant even in pain; just like his Dad.
4th August 2009, 09:40 pm
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In February we finally got new windows for the entire downstairs. Jordan and I spent a good part of the past year discussing, researching online, wandering around home improvement stores, arguing and enduring endless sales pitches over this project. I am now convinced that our next house will be either a) new b) completely remodeled or c) a rental.
Out with the old…
In with the overpriced,

and that’s without the fancy grids that are all the rage these days.
This is how Jordan felt about the window buying process…
This is how I felt when they were installed…

This is how we both felt when it was ALL OVER!
4th August 2009, 08:20 pm
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I’ve devised a way to account for the last 8 months of our lives. I will go through all my picture folders by month, pick out 5-7 pictures and do my best to recall what we did. So I begin with Jan 2009…..

Benjamin making laps around Chicago O’Hare Airport. There’s never anybody up in their overflow 2nd level seating and when there is, they tend to leave when children arrive so it’s a perfect little getaway for layovers. We were returning from our Christmas vacation to Cali and Utah for Christmas.

Sunday photo shoot.


Definately the highlight of the month was Jordan’s 32nd birthday. I don’t know about others’ husbands, but mine is a serial gift returner. When we were first married, this really bothered me because I thought I was just lousy at picking things out for him. But after 8 years of marriage, (and after Jordan rejecting an HD-Movie projector????) I’ve come to realize that it is a win/win situation for both of us. I get the enjoyment out of shopping and buying something thoughtful for my husband. Jordan gets to express his gratitude and intent for keeping the item for 24-72 hours making me a very happy wife. In the end, Jordan gets the ultimate satisfaction of denying himself the indulgent gift in the name of “financial frugalness”, we save money, and I get the chance to buy a fancier and even more excessive gift the next year because I know the charge won’t be on the card very long anyway. I just always have to remember that gift receipt!
Cakes are non refundable however.