Archive for the ‘All in the Family’ Category.
6th January 2009, 03:40 pm
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A few days after Christmas, I got a little laugh from Brendan. He was sitting behind the fridge and leaning out to see me. After a few times, he would start to giggle every time he peeked around the corner. Oh, and Brendan picked Christmas day to start crawling. A few days after Christmas, I removed our tree skirt, the train that goes around the bottom of the tree, and raised all the ornaments to a few feet off the ground.

6th January 2009, 03:40 pm
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This year my mom joined us at the Christmas Eve dinner at Nana and Grandad’s house. There was so much good food…everyone was stuffed and ready to sleep by nightfall. We played one of Jonny’s crazy games about a haunted house and Jonathan couldn’t stop talking about it all the way home. He REALLY wanted to play it again. Brendan and Miles got in on the fun of the food with our new “Net Binkies.” You can place a piece of food inside the net and the baby can suck on it. It was SO nice to not have to worry that Brendan was going to choke. Lindsey was glad they enjoyed it, but the whole idea just grossed her out.

6th January 2009, 03:40 pm
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Marissa’s kindergarten class had a Christmas program just before the break. Our favorite part was when one song said, “Thirty-two feet and eight little tails of white…” because at this point all the kids turned around and shook their little white tails. Marissa was very proud to be in a program and actually stand on the stage. You can see Marissa on the far left.

6th January 2009, 03:40 pm
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As is our tradition, we went to the Lindon City party to see Santa come on a fire engine. Brendan went from bewildered, to upset, to wondering why we were all calling his name so that we could get a picture on Santa’s lap. The picture shown here is the happiest he got. Both kids asked Santa for a bakugan shooter, and Marissa put in a good word for an easy bake oven to show up either at Grandma or Nana’s. Afterwards, we got a picture of everyone on the fire engine. We had lots of good pizza while there.

1st January 2009, 04:59 pm
1st January 2009, 04:50 pm
originally posted at
We had a wonderful Christmas as always, although the whole season has seemed to just fly by. We had a lot of fun leading up to Christmas attending all the parties and family fun. We went to the Lindon City tree lighting and hot chocolate at Nana’s, the Spanish Fork Christmas Light Parade, a Christmas story time at our library, our annual party with our friends, and two times to the mall to ride the train. Savanna was too scared to actually see Santa, but that’s alright! My mom came over on Christmas Eve and gave Savanna her new kitchen! She also got new food and dishes for it and has a ton of fun! Everything was great and now I am looking forward to resting for a spell!

26th December 2008, 12:52 am
25th December 2008, 10:00 pm
25th December 2008, 06:40 pm
23rd December 2008, 03:00 pm