31st August 2010, 09:40 pm by admin
originally posted at
1. when i was a baby i was born. i was born befor my brother ben.i was born in arazona
and in the hospitol arrow head.my mom was born in california. she was born in
the state that was close to arazona
2.when i startid to walk i was so careful with things stuff.sometimes i walkd slow to not let myself fall. i didin`t realey clime things.
3.so now im` growing.so when i was three i wasint as carfule.when i went to nursery i always was crieing and crieing becase mom woud drop me of at the begening
of nursery. but sometimes i still got hert when i was a babey like little bumbs.
4. as time went by i was growing oldr a little baby was born. his name was ben. my mom and dad and me were happy we had a babey and we were a greate fameily…………………………………………..but.
5. BAM..BOOM when ben was two in a half me and ben always fought.sometimes i wold bug em and then he will hit me back then i wold hit ben with a toy.then me and ben wold get in trobule a-lot.ben wold get a time out. i wold be sent to my room.
and sometimes i get grounded frum the wii.
6.bens birthday was comeing in a long long time.so me mom and dad had to
thingk how we were happy when ben was born.
joshua evan and jacob kailyn came to the party. last time it was abby rohan lily and lots of other kids his age.
7. owen prince came to our house. we know him
becase he went to bens; birthday party
4th August 2010, 11:00 am by admin
originally posted at
Had a nice storm this morning. I was actually awakened by the sound of yet another alert on my phone because of a server at work having an issue but after I fixed that I noticed it was quite rumbly outside so I opened the windows to watch a bit and the lightning started up.
By the time I realized I should shoot a bit of video or take a picture or two, the most impressive stuff had passed but I managed to catch a bit of good stuff:
This was toward the end of the storm. Getting pictures was really pretty tough, about 99% of them turned out just a black screen.

This video is pretty quick but has some good stuff:
This one is longer and has a good hit at 30 seconds in or so:
This one is good at 1 minute in:
Another shorter one with more stuff happening:
Ah I love a good storm. Fortunately this year has been fairly good for rain compared to some in the past. I was actually surprised the power didn’t go out at any point, though we did have an outage lasting about 6 hours the other day but that wasn’t from a storm. Something at the power company just blew up at 6 in the morning and they didn’t fix it until almost Noon.
24th July 2010, 08:43 pm by admin
originally posted at
We took the kids down to BYU to feed the ducks. Those ducks must be so overfed. Brendan kept running around saying, “quack, quack!” and throwing bread at the birds. We saw several groups of baby birds and I brought treats for everyone to eat after the ducks had their treat. It was a fun afternoon.

24th July 2010, 08:41 pm by admin
originally posted at
The year brought another 4th of July (as it always does) and the family gathered in Grandpa’s backyard to slide on the waterslide, hang out in the hammock, throw rocks in the stream, eat good food and visit with friends.

24th July 2010, 08:38 pm by admin
originally posted at
Jonathan invited a few friends and cousins (who are also his friends) to come to Nickel City with him and celebrate his 10th birthday. They played video games (Jonathan’s FAVORITE past time), ate pizza, played laser tag and opened presents. They had a great time.

24th July 2010, 08:36 pm by admin
originally posted at
Every year we go and visit my father’s grave. He passed away when I was fifteen years old due to a heart attack. Every year it seems strange that another year has passed without my father in my life.

24th July 2010, 08:34 pm by admin
originally posted at
This summer we went to see Thomas the Tank Engine in Heber. Brendan thought it was amazing. The kids got free balloons, they ran around in bubbles, watched the expensive train go by, and rode in a free little train car past the expensive train. All in all it was a fun event.

15th July 2010, 04:10 pm by admin
originally posted at
I wanted to update the blog with some of the fun stuff we have done this summer. On Memorial Day we went to Heber to see Thomas the Train. Miles was so excited to see him and Grandma stayed with Avery while I took Savanna and Miles on the 20 min train ride. It was really fun, it went very slow so the kids could put their heads out the windows. We didn’t see much scenery, just some fields and people’s backyards, but it was neat to ride the old train. 
The next week we went to Lagoon. I didn’t bring my camera but we had a blast! Savanna is a very brave little one, having fun on some rides that I thought would freak her out! Miles had a good time too, Charles and Trish came along and took them on the Terror Ride for the first ride of the day. I thought Miles would get scared but Trish said he just jumped a bit at the loud noises and looked around with wide eyes.
We have also been swimming a few times this year. I was curious to see how Miles would do in the water, last year was just learning to walk so he mostly just sat in the pool when we went. He is doing great! It took him a little while to get his feet wet (pun) but now he can keep up with Savanna and they both have so much fun together.
James came home from work one day and needed to change some sprinkler heads and in the process of doing so made some mud, which he decided to splat on Miles. They had a great time with their mud fight. Savanna stayed pretty clean but Miles was caked! 

On the 4th, or I mean 3rd of July, we got up early to go do our traditional Independence Day morning of watching the balloon launch and having breakfast at the park. We were let down though because a cold front came through and it was too cold and windy to launch the balloons! We had breakfast at the park, then spent the rest of the day at home (James put in a new swamp cooler!) before going to the Bayless’ for a bbq and fireworks. I made a festive cake and it was good! 

For the last couple of years James has done a backyard camp out with the kids, I have always been either pregnant or had a new baby so I have slept inside, but the kids love it! The first thing Savanna said when she woke up that morning was “Mom today is the camp out!” Then she went in the backyard and set up chairs around the fire place! When James got home from work we had dinner and then when James went to set up the tent we noticed mold growing all over it from a paper plate of smores left in it from last year! So James ran and bought a new tent, set it up and then built the fire and we had smores. James said it took them awhile to settle down to sleep. Miles just thought it was a game, he would lay down for a minute then get up and say “Morning!” It took some time for him to realize that he was actually going to sleep out there, but he finally did and they all spent the whole night in the tent. 

We have had a busy, fun summer so far.
15th June 2010, 09:40 am by admin
originally posted at
Before i was writeing comic books and other books and other stuf i was makeing mazes. tones of them i wrote some mazes i wrote so maney with pen. that was realey
a big number. i loved them so much that my mom got me a maze book around the
world. and then i got another book about mazes calld amazing mazes.
i made hundreds of them.
colerd mazes. flip-flop
mazes. storey mazes.
backround mazes.
and i loved
24th May 2010, 12:42 pm by admin