So I Went Shooting With 2 of My Brothers.

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This past Saturday (May 15th 2010) I finally had some time and wasn’t on call for work so I went with my brothers Andy and James to do some recreational target practice.

We gathered up their weapons and a bunch of junk to shoot and headed out of town to the West and found a nice place past a town dump to do some shooting against a nice hill side. Seems we weren’t the only ones either because the ground was littered with shells and brass from previous shooters and we saw a few other groups out doing some shooting as well. We made sure to move a way past anyone else to somewhere nice and isolated.

I don’t own any guns myself so I was basically shooting their guns as I had a turn but there was plenty of ammo and plenty of guns to go around so it was really enjoyable and the weather was great, 70 to 75 degrees all afternoon.

I even got a bit sunburned for the first time this year. We ended up spending almost 5 hours relaxing and shooting and moving junk around to serve as targets (old montors, water bottles, assorted bits of junk and some clay pigeons).

Fortunately I remembered to bring my camera and got a few good pictures and videos.

Before we left, James’s son helped us get the water bottles and stuff ready and loaded.

My nephew helped with the water bottles and stuff

We put all the stuff in James’s truck and headed out around Noon.

We loaded up the truck and headed out

It was a nice drive out. We stopped for some supplies; Andy got a bag of licorice and James got some trail mix. I got some snap peas and carrots. Mmm. The drive was about 20 minutes.

The view on the way out

Once we got to where we wanted to shoot it was nice and warm and sunny, just a light breeze.

The view from where we ended up

You could tell it was a popular spot for shooting; plenty of evidence on the ground.

Evidence of previous outings

Here are the weapons involved: James’s .22 Rifle with scope…

The .22 rifle with big scope

James and Andy’s 12 Gauge shotguns…

A couple of 12 Gauge shotguns

James’s Benelli shotgun…

A Benelli shotgun

Andy’s SKS…


Andy’s .45 model 1911…

The .45 1911

and James’s AK-47 Pistol…

The AK47

I took a turn with the .45 pistol first. It was really cool. A very nice pistol.

I shot Andy's .45

James took a few turns with the pistol as well. He was much more accurate with it than I.

James had some fun with the .45 as well

I was able to pour my wrath and hatred into the PowerMac James got somewhere.

I think I injured the Mac

Here’s Andy shooting his SKS and actually aiming at stuff.

Andy did some interesting stuff with his SKS. He was quite proficient with it.

Andy did something pretty amazing with his SKS

Here is a video of Andy bump firing the SKS.

Heh, this was pretty fun. I got to take a turn with the AK-47. The feel was a bit off at first because I had not adjusted the sling so it felt like it was too far away from my body.

James is a bit more comfy with the AK-47 than I am.

We finished up with some skeet shooting. James and Andy were really good. I did alright at first but I was getting a bit worn out and sunburned at this point so I think we all wrapped up after a few rounds.

Did a bit of skeet target practice

At the end of the afternoon we had made a good mess and had a good time.

Last view of the toys at the end

It was a fun day with great weather and good fun. Hopefully we can do it again soon.

i like snakes

originally posted at

do you know i love snakes
thers something
the sound
is the same s-s-am s-s-s-s-nake

Sis ar great espelshey snakes
and i like them for no reasin

i want to make a movie someday

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a lot of movies are in the planit earth a lot ar made in new years like these 2009 2008 and 2007 and i want to make the same thing i write skreen plays well when im about all grown-up i will finsh all of my skreen plays books and moveies


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friday theres a father and sones camp out i remember the other father and sones camp out it was 2009 or 2008 and we had marshmellos for breakfist in the morning well camp will be great

Avery’s Blessing

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James gave our new daughter a blessing this past Sunday. It was wonderful to hear what he said to her, I can’t believe he has done that three times! Our family is growing and everything is so crazy, but wonderful. Whenever I get stressed out or overwhelmed with raising three little ones, I just remind myself that I have exactly what I always wanted, a house full of kids! I love my kids and my awesome husband, I am so lucky!

Life as of late

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It’s been awhile since I have posted anything, so here is a little update. Avery is two months old now and is growing fast. She weighs 11 lbs 6 oz now! I had to dig out all of the 3-6 month size clothes of Savanna’s so Avery would have something to wear. I think she is starting to grow out to the colic a little bit, there are more times during the day that she is happy instead of just screaming. She still has a hard time at night, but that is getting better too. She has been smiling a little and definitely getting cuter! When I found out I was pregnant I was terrified, I couldn’t fathom taking care of three kids ages 4 and under. I didn’t think I would ever be able to go anywhere ever again. I have to say, I have surprised myself. It is harder, but we adapt and move on, groceries still have to be bought, doctors appointments have to happen and we still need to have fun, so we figure it out! Savanna has been a good helper and watches out for her brother and sister.  Savanna will be starting pre-school in the fall and I can’t wait. I think it will be so good for her, she needs to be around kids her age and have something to do other than hang around our crazy house! Miles is growing up too, he is such a chatter box! He talks so much and is picking up new words everyday. The other day James had the camera out taking pictures. Miles was reaching for the camera then he blurted out, “Hey! I wanna see the say cheese!”  It was pretty cool.  James has been doing well with the business and a couple of great opportunities just came along so we are happy with that. I am training for the Provo City 5K which will be on May 1st. It’s the same 5K I ran with my sister-in-law Trish last year and we are doing it together again. I really enjoy running and it is great with helping to lose the baby weight! All in all we are happy, life is busy and I never imagined I would have 3 kids in four years, but that’s where we are and I like it!

Brendan’s Birthday!!!

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Brendan had a good second birthday today.  He got a donut with candles for breakfast.  Then we went to PetSmart where he marveled at the fish, birds, lizards, hamsters, dogs and cats.  Then we went to a playground and played on the toys.  After that, we had lunch at Wendy’s.  When I got home from work, we had dinner and then he got a chocolate cupcake with candles for dessert.  Then we revealed the present…a Woody with a pullstring.  A huge grin spread across his face.  What a success!






Marissa’s Classic Skating Party

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Marissa had her 7th birthday party today.  She wanted to go to Classic Skating.  They now let you use scooters as well as skates.  She invited some friends from the ward, from school and some of her cousins…and of course her brother.  They played red light, green light.  They played “wipeout.”  Classic even announced her name over the speaker and had her stand in a spotlight to announce her birthday.  Everyone there sang happy birthday to her.  Her grin was enormous.  Her grin makes me smile even more lately since she’s lost her front two teeth.  The kids had pizza, ice-cream and pop.  They skated, played video games, bought toys with their tickets and opened presents.  I think it was a success.




Easter at Home

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I got all of the kids a shirt for Easter.  Brendan got a Buzz Lightyear shirt, Jonathan received a Transformers shirt and Marissa got a pretty pink sparkly shirt.  It was very girly.  The kids hunted for eggs with their wheelbarrows.  I had a wheelbarrow when I was little instead of an Easter basket, and we have carried on that tradition at our house.  Brendan had orange and yellow eggs, Marissa could hunt for pink and purple and Jonathan sought out blue and green ones.  Brendan was not very interested until I opened one of the eggs and showed him what was inside.  Then he was all for it.  They had a good time.



Brendan’s Birthday Party at Nana’s

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Brendan has recently turned a little of his love for the movie Cars to the movie Toy Story.  He calls Buzz “Buh” and Woody, “Hat.”  He didn’t pay attention to our toy Woody until he realized that he had a hat that could come on and off.  On Wednesday, for his birthday, Adam and I are giving him a Woody with a PULLSTRING!  I know…exciting.  Anyway, for Easter, he received a Buzz Lightyear shirt.  He thought it was amazing.  Lindsey bought him some Buzz pajamas and a Cars flashlight.  She also made him mud pies with rocks for his birthday desert.


