3rd January 2010, 02:52 pm by admin
originally posted at
Getting a family picture is a little tougher now than it used to be. Brendan wants to cry every time you make him sit still for a photo. Jonathan can’t help but look like a walking zombie…and Marissa sometimes doesn’t look at the camera. Adam and I try to smile through it all and take it in stride. Amazingly enough…this was only the fourth picture we took this morning to get one that worked. As soon as this one was snapped, the second battery for the camera died. Of course, we did have to turn on the movie Cars on the laptop and set it behind the camera to get Brendan to look in the right direction…but, whatcha gonna do?

3rd January 2010, 08:00 am by admin
2nd January 2010, 01:57 pm by admin
originally posted at
For Christmas, Nana gave Jonathan a kit to make a bionicle riding a huge ship. It took Jonathan three days to put it together, but he had a great time doing it. He wanted me to post pictures of it so that Nana could see the finished product.

2nd January 2010, 10:40 am by admin
2nd January 2010, 09:00 am by admin
2nd January 2010, 09:00 am by admin
2nd January 2010, 09:00 am by admin
2nd January 2010, 09:00 am by admin
2nd January 2010, 09:00 am by admin
2nd January 2010, 09:00 am by admin