1st October 2008, 01:40 pm by admin
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So, in the grand tradition of Jonathan…Brendan gnawed on his first pickle today. At first it gave him a full body shiver, but he became very excited when I placed it in his hand and he shoved it right into his mouth. He sucked on it for about ten minutes at lunch today. Who needs a toy when you can gnaw on a dill pickle?

1st October 2008, 06:47 am by admin
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We’ve been planning to spend Christmas with my family this year for quite some time, so it will come as no suprise that we just bought our plane tickets last night. What might come as a suprise (and I hope a good one) is that we’re also going to travel to Utah to see Jordan’s family for the New Year! I hope you guys don’t mind 🙂 We’ll be in town around the 29th of Dec after driving up from San Deigo and staying in Vegas. We’ll be leaving on Jan 4th so we’ll have at least 6 full days to visit. Jordan wanted me to postpone the announcement until we had the details worked out, but hey, he knows me well enough not to expect full compliance 🙂
30th September 2008, 06:20 pm by admin
originally posted at
Today was such a treat for us. After what seemed like an entire summer, Sam and Zoe finally had another playdate together; and Lori and I got to catch up on life. I was curious to see how the kids would react to eachother after the long absence. The pictures pretty much tell the story. In addition to the great company, it was another perfect fall day.

Don’t these pictures make you want to be a kid again?

Sam and Zoe are both playing soccer this season. As you can tell, they both take it very seriously.

Whatever is going on; Benjamin wants to be in the middle of it

A goodbye kiss For Jenamin 🙂
30th September 2008, 10:43 am by admin
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Here are some pics from the past couple months.

Sam’s first day of Pre-K

My hydrangea in full bloom (this was taken in August and they still look great)

Sam’s favorite chore is watering the plants. Sam’s least favorite chore?
28th September 2008, 07:31 pm by admin
28th September 2008, 05:34 pm by admin
originally posted at
More from my trip to California that was umm…almost 2 months ago!
Of course the highlight of my visit was getting to welcome William home from his mission in Russia. I missed Charles and James’ homecomings from Australia and Maryland and when Gary got home from Guam, I barely got to say hello before moving to Utah. So it was a treat to be able to be with them for our baby brother’s homecoming. William was greeted at the airport by the entire family, including 4 nieces and nephews he had never met.
Adam was serving a mission in Ohio at the same time and he actually came home on the same day! What are the odds of that? Welcome home boys!
Eligible young bachelor….

Mom has successfully raised 5 kids, sending 4 off on missions and is now enjoying the fruits of her labors with 5 beautiful grandkids. All while looking fabulous.


I’m suddenly in the mood to watch “Strange Brew”
28th September 2008, 02:33 pm by admin
originally posted at
“B-Slice” somehow became what Adam called Brendan every so often. With Jonathan it was “The Little Man,” with Marissa it was “Baby Doll.” Sometimes the kids call him “Guyser” as well. Anyway, Brendan looked awfully cute in is CUTE and CUDDLY teddy bear shirt today. Adam and I took him into the front yard to take some photos. He likes to blow raspberries, chew on his hand, and make strange gurgly noises. But, we were very proud that he could sit up through most of these pictures. We only had to straighten him up a couple of times through over 100 photos. Thank goodness for digital cameras.

28th September 2008, 02:25 pm by admin
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On September 24th, Jonathan ran in the BYU Triple Crown Elementary School Race. He ran a mile in a little over 12 minutes. Adam and I were debating whether or not he would finish because he is our son…and neither of us are athletes of any kind. We both hate running…or even searching for the remote. So, we were very proud when he finished and was still breathing. Jonathan’s school had won the trophy last year…and this year he was able to help bring it back to the school again. Great job! Next time we should potty 10 minutes before the race…instead of 30. We’ll just leave it at that. Love you Jonathan!

27th September 2008, 08:34 pm by admin
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Sam took this picture of Benjamin when I was in the other room yesterday. I thought it was a cute one. Benjamin is almost 15 months old and has mastered walking in the past few weeks. He is so much like Jordan it’s scary! But of course I love it 🙂 He talks non stop, although it’s in a dialect we’re not familiar with. His favorite thing to do is point to things and say, Dis or Dat (this & that). I think he’s asking what things are. When we tell him, sometimes he’ll try to repeat the word. So far he’s said light, shoe, hug, brother & hot dog. When you’re around him, you either want to eat him, or tickle him. I can hardly stand it. I love my boys so much!
24th September 2008, 04:44 pm by admin
originally posted at

Miles had his 2 month checkup yesterday and is doing great. He weighs 13.5 pounds and is in the 90th percentile for height and weight! Dr. Clayton said he has very good eye contact for a baby his age and is very healthy. He wailed quite a lot when he got his shots and has been pretty grumpy since then, but he still smiled for the camera! A funny side note, when the doctor opened Miles’ diaper to check his “boy parts” he peed on Savanna! It was pretty funny!